Hi Everybody! We wanted to let you all know BTA has on online store, where you can buy apparel items. You can check out the store here. We have a few t-shirt designs with characters from our Zombie Duck Hunt 2 app game that is in the works. We will be adding more designs to the store, so check it out!
Have a good weekend!
Calling all Zombie Duck Hunters in the South Bay Area of the San Francisco Bay Area in California!

We are working on the next Zombie Duck Hunt App and are looking for players that are local to help us review the App as it enters the final stage of development. If you live in the South Bay Area of the San Francisco Bay Area in California, we would appreciate your interest in volunteering your time in the development of Zombie Duck Hunt 2. If you are interested and meet these qualifications, please fill out the form here.
1. Play games on iPhone or iPod Touch, including Zombie Duck Hunt.
2. 18 years or older.
3. Available to meet and to participate for half an hour in evaluation and review
4. Located in the South Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area in California.
These cities include: Cupertino, San Jose, Campbell, Saratoga, Sunnyvale, Gilroy, Los Altos, Los Gatos, Milpitas, Monte Sereno, Morgan Hill, Mountain View, Palo Alto, and Santa Clara.
Hi everybody! We here at Broken Thumbs Apps want to wish all of you a Happy New Year for 2011. Be on the lookout for many more cool features for the Zombie Duck Hunt line of apps. Its going to be an exciting year!
Hi Everybody,
First I wanted to let you know that our server went down for half of today. This would have it made so you didn’t see the coins you earned in the gun store. Now that its back up you shouldn’t have any problems. If you do however please email us by touching here. We will need to know what app you downloaded and your UDID. To find your UDID please touch here.
In other news you may have heard rumors that we are making Zombie Duck Hunt 2. We will not confirm or deny these rumors at this time but you may or may not see new images giving hints on what ZDH 2 may be about on our Facebook page and in the blog.
That’s all for now so remember Happy Hunting!!!
Alright everybody time to check out your favorite desert zombie birds in their Halloween attire. The update is now available in iTunes. Let us know what you think because we will also be doing a special Christmas update but this time for the Forest background. We want to know what you liked so we can include it in that update as well.
Plus don’t forget you can now purchase…… BOMBS!!!! We hope you love the update as much as we loved making it. Leave your feedback as comments we make sure to read it.
Hi! We have submitted the Halloween update to Apple. Hopefully it gets approved by early next week. It includes all of your favorite desert zombie birds in their favorite Halloween costumes and BOMBS for you to use in both backgrounds. Below is some art work from the update.
It’s been a while since we last wrote a blog post but we are busy working on a new Halloween update. In this update you are going to find all of the desert zombies dressed up in their favorite Halloween outfits. Plus we are going to be adding a brand new weapon to your arsenal. It’s not a gun its a….. well we are going to keep it a secret for now
We will submit the update this week and will post some screenshots as it gets closer. So what’s the deal with the mini bosses we mentioned a couple weeks ago (by the way great comments and suggestions on the blog by many of you on what they should be)? We are still working on the details for that but don’t worry we have not forgotten.
We hope you had a great three day weekend if you live in the US. Over here we are still preparing for the next update. One of the things we are seriously considering is adding mini-bosses to the game. Is this something you would be interested in? If so we’d love to hear from you on the type of zombie birds you’d like to see as mini-bosses.
As soon as we have some sketches from the new update we will make sure to post it on the blog for everyone to see. We want to make this the best free game out there for all of you!
Hi everybody! We are beginning to work on the specs for the next update. There are a lot of different ideas we have but the best ideas come from YOU. So if you ever have a suggestion for Zombie Duck Hunt feel free to leave it as a comment on the blog. The other great thing about the blog is other people can see it and build off of your suggestions.
More specific details to come soon.
Until the next post Happy Hunting!
If you or someone you know ever ran into a white screen freeze when initally opening Zombie Duck Hunt we have great news for you. Open Feint earlier today fixed the bug and people should no longer run into this. This only occurred when opening the app for the first time.
If you know someone who previously tried opening Zombie Duck Hunt but couldn’t please let them know
Have fun hunting!